pretty good
for a first flash this is really good defintly on the high end of the movie side.
pretty good
for a first flash this is really good defintly on the high end of the movie side.
thx for review
how did this get review crew award
this movie has a 7.00 average with 40 reviews usually thats not an award seeing as how my movie had 9.00 average with 20 reviews. well anyway this wasnt that great alot more effort was needed and this was a disapointment.
9.50/10.00 with 20 reviews : )
really entertaining
the effects and everything are just awesome and it's so fluent this defintly deserves some good scores.
thank you
really good animation
you can really animate and do cool stuff and the drawings look good except for mr.artist and his mouth that was crappy. anyway nice job on a movie !
While I appreciate the compliment, please don't base my animation skills on this extremely short, quickly put together film. I'll have some serious projects complete in a matter of weeks. Judge those ones. :)
hey why is there only 2 co-authors?
thats some of the best flash i've seen i would be pissed as hell if i didnt get credit for any of those!!!???
We're working on it thanks for the vote though :)
omg dude this has to be one of the funniest movies i've seen on newgrounds keep up the good work man.... i got that castle toy...thats a good castle toy..... lol... i got question though what kind of camera did you use for the movie ?
A digital 8
your the 4th or 5th who's said he's had that castle.
pretty cools
pretty nice man
Thanks. :)
this was hillarious man keep up the good work
Thank you!
It seems like that not everyone understands the humor, but you sure did :)
Hi guys rememebr to vote five on my movies so that i can bee a famous newgrounds! thank you very much
Age 34, Male
Donkey Kong
Milwaukee, WI
Joined on 4/8/03